Gabriel Thacker
Gabriel Thacker
A college education is important to me because . . .
it puts me in a prime position to network with many different types of individuals and expand my knowledge with everyday scenarios. The lectures themselves help me to put everything together from the text book with real life examples given in the lecture.
In addition to financial assistance, the Scholars Program provides me . . .
emotional and mental support, knowing that I can contact my Advisor or the Program Director at any time to ask for guidance or advice on something going on in school or with family. In the long run this is more valuable than the financial assistance I’m blessed to receive. That assistance means nothing if I finish college and don’t pursue anything. Everyone in the Minor Preston Scholars Program works to keep me motivated and in the right state of mind to make sure I understand that the sky is the limit with my career.
Having a Scholars Program Advisor helps me to . . .
stay focused on school and know that I can turn to my Advisor for guidance. Once I was talking to him about stress and school and how I struggle with it sometimes and he asked me “How do you eat an elephant?” I said that I had “no idea”. Warning me that time management was key to success not just in school but in life, he replied “one bite at a time”. Words to live by, thanks to the Scholars Program.